Just Deanna totally rockin’ that latex dress and boots. The handbag is a nice touch.
Just Deanna totally rockin’ that latex dress and boots. The handbag is a nice touch.
Just felt like making a monochrome.
I had planned on making a monochrome but I couldn’t ignore all them colors. I added some grain to make it a little more interesting.
In commemoration of Red T-Shirt Day.
I don’t normally shoot environmental portraits because my models are in my environment and not theirs. This is an exception and one of the great things about having a model who is a friend: she allowed me to photograph her in her environment. Carina is many things. One of which is a photojournalist. Here she is working on one of her stories. That happy smile is genuine.
This began as a color image but that water bottle was creating a distraction. It was green. It was the only green thing in the frame and it kept drawing my eye. I could remove it in Photoshop but I really hate manipulating my photos that way. Just for laughs, I kicked it into monochrome. Problem solved.
I just felt like making a monochrome of a stunning model.