VIVI 3815

Lisa Foiles recently posted a photo of herself wearing an AC/DC shirt. I thought, “Hey, I got one of those!” Here it is. Vivi totally made that band shirt work.
Lisa Foiles recently posted a photo of herself wearing an AC/DC shirt. I thought, “Hey, I got one of those!” Here it is. Vivi totally made that band shirt work.
This is a gen-u-wine black and white silver gelatin photograph c.1978 A.D. shot on either Kodak Tri-X or Ilford HP5 and printed on Kodak PolyContrast Rapid RC paper. My girlfriend is on the left. I don’t miss those days… making prints in a wet darkroom that is. The girlfriend is another story.
I randomly chose this photo when I was looking at the catalog. The strobe didn’t fire but I kept the file. I thought it would be fun to recover the photo. This is what I came up with. The shroud of Daria?
Socks are sexy.
I’ve been experimenting with duo tones (split toning in the Adobe universe) and came up with this.