Theresa 320

She was fun to work with and photographed beautifully.
She was fun to work with and photographed beautifully.
This was shot at the Zivity Photography Bootcamp. That’s not me. That’s another attendee. I always wondered why he just had to get that close to make his shot. This was not covered in the workshop. Mischa was a total professional. She was cool and continued to make unique poses even with this guy in her face. I wonder what happened to him? Did he go on to shoot other models? Did he disclose, “To create my photos, I’m going to have to get really, really close to you. Don’t blame me. It’s my muse who commands me.” Did the models say, “Hey guy! Tell your muse to back off or it will be open pepper spraying season on muses!” On another note, the title of this photo makes Mischa sound like a secret agent.
FB keeps telling me it’s Nylon Stocking Day so I decided to participate. I miss working with her. It’s a real treat to collaborate with a true artist like Apnea. I always know we’ll make great photos and that she’ll bring my concepts to life. I hope she’s well.
Just a black and white for monochrome Sunday. Is that a thing?
Yes, it’s the same gray hoodie used in all my shots.
Housecoat; /ˈhousˌkōt/; noun; a woman’s long, loose, lightweight robe for informal wear around the house. I had this brand new housecoat in my wardrobe for the longest time. I asked Apnea if she wouldn’t mind modeling it. I imagine this had to be one of the worst things she had to wear. Not the latex outfits. Not the gas masks. Not the vacuum-bed. Not the ultra-high heels. Not the restraints or the BDSM gear. That ugly Sears housecoat. I imagine she was feeling like a horse’s patoot but being the consummate professional, she made it sexy.