This one was pretty fast to make.
This one was pretty fast to make.
This was a little easier to make. I may be getting better or apathetic. It’s hard to tell.
Finding the balance between Threshold, Levels, and Black & White took some effort.
Yesterday, I agonized over this image. I had to get the right combination between Threshold and Levels. I wanted to define her face and bring out some texture in her hair. I played with Masking, Opacity, Flow, and even Blend Modes but I wasn’t getting the desired effect. I decided to try again another time. I opened the image today and thought, “Hey, this looks good. Done!” Sometimes you need to step back from your work to realize you accomplished your goal.
@cindypressart inspired this rendition of Apnea.
She was well over 6 foot in them heels. One of the best models I’ve ever worked with.